There is a pool of Love . . .
that holds all things that are in existence . . .
this pool’s waters are so pure . . .
it washes away illusions . . .
of time and space . . .
. . . with this being said,
what is there to know ? . . .
for even knowledge bows ! . . .
. . . to honor love. . .
you can go to and check out Jinx Da juvy on BET Rap City. It dont stop ladies & gents its nothing but Hard Work. When you up i'm up & when you slepp i'm up.
~ * ~WELCOME ~ * ~
There is a pool of Love . . .
that holds all things that are in existence . . .
this pool’s waters are so pure . . .
it washes away illusions . . .
of time and space . . .
. . . with this being said,
what is there to know ? . . .
for even knowledge bows ! . . .
. . . to honor love. . .
~ wsp ~
~ inner child ~
© 2008 : William S. Peters, Sr.
Nov 18, 2008
follow your dreams
do not ever stop dreamin’
‘cause you’re ‘fraid it won’t come true
for there’s a new day tomorrow
waiting for you
you can change the rules
you can make up your own
and it makes not a difference
who condemns or condones
just march to the rhythms
of your own beating drum
and by the end of the day
you have increased your sum
for you followed your dreams
through your uncertainty
thus to your visions
you’ve added some verity
that your life belongs
only to you
trust in your “Self”
in all that you do
for there’s a light within
that enlightens your way
when you follow your dreams
each and every day
follow you dreams . . .
~ inner child ~
© 2008 : William S. Peters, Sr.
Nov 18, 2008
Nov 24, 2008
Struggle Wear Clothing Co.
Nov 24, 2008
strong enough ent.
Nov 25, 2008