Whats up the name is kasuwell Im a artist from Miami just dropping off my latest song has the internet going nuts check it out Id love to get your feedback
http://www.facebook.com/lyricallethalwww.reverbnation.com/lyricallethal #17 R&b soul brooklyn nyc,, on reverbnation... www.lyricallethal.com CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE FOR MORE ABOUT "THE NEW BK" FILMS/VIDS ETC... NEED A CUSTOMMADE PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE HIT THE BUSINESS # 1347-770-3557begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1347-770-3557end_of_the_skype_highlighting MODELS ARTISTS ACTORS, DJ'S, PRODUCER, ETC.. $500-$1500 PEACE AND LUV TO ALL ARTIST ON THE GRIND,, SUPPORT ILL DO THE SAME,, 777SWISH
Whats up the name is kasuwell Im a artist from Miami just dropping off my latest song has the internet going nuts check it out Id love to get your feedback

Kasuwell- Ordinary Guy (I ain't no dope Boy ) by kasuwellJun 7, 2011
Aug 20, 2011