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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

I know some of ya'll artist live by the new code of giving away free mixtapes because nobody knows you. Let's think about that move. You have to understand free is a double edge sword. Renny Entertainment, Inc. is in the business of making music the key word here is business. I don't care if you sell your mixtape for $1.00 you have to get a return for your time and talent. Let's look at the money trail you recorded the mixtape over beats(money$) Studio Time(money$) Graphics(money$) CD'S(Money$) are you getting the picture here? Once you say I'm giving away my music because nobody knows me that shows me two things.

1. You are scared to ask people to pay you what you are worth. If you keep saying nobody knows you guess what, they won't!

2. You don't believe in your talent and think if you give it away for free you won't feel as bad when people say "No I Don't Want Your CD".

I keep it 100 with you don't call yourself a hustler giving away free mixtapes where's the hustle in that? It's real when you come home from giving out free mixtapes. And your lady and son, are holding their stomachs looking at you to feed them. But that's not even the worst part guess what nobody still knows who you are! You should have asked them for that cash and they would have remembered you for having the guts to ask them for their money!!!


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