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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

                                SATAN’S TRICKS



1)     I’ll make sure the child spills juice on his shirt or dress so the parents have to change his (her ) clothes so they can be late for Church .


2)     I’ll also make sure that the parents have lots of bills so they can constantly work two Jobs and not have time to go to church or read the bible , I’ll keep them busy at all time .


3)     When the Pastor is preaching in Church I’ll have people come in and out to create distraction .


4)     I’ll  double up on some of the church members and keep them from handing flyers or call the visitors back so that they visitors will not come back to church .


5)     I’ll make sure that the car would not start if I control the lives of the ones that do not have Faith in God  and get them upset and make them miss church or be late for their work


6)     I’ll make sure that something always breaks in  house 

(AC , Appliances , TVs ) breaks down so the homeowner could spend money always and be broke all the time and always have to work non stop .


7)     I’ll make sure that someone and interrupt and call whenever they are ready to pray.














8)  I’ll make sure that The child watch horror movies , listen to bad music , get   

bad advise from friends so I can populate my army and take another soul .


9)I will double up on a person and make him say false testimony about his neighbor so he can sin and violate God’s commandment


10)  I will double up and make a family member or his or her spouse place a phone call and ask him some specific questions so I can gather some information needed because I’m not able to read anyone’s mind and heart , only God can so I must gather as much information as possible so in the future I can create drama violence , fear , discouragement and depression


11)I will have his son or daughter cut himself or do bad in school so I can create sadness into his family , their sadness is my joy .


12) I will double up on her husband to hurt her and create an argument and things will escalate until violence is erupted and law enforcement will be call and the husband will go to jail , more problems for the wife and kids .


13) I will double up on her supervisor and have her supervisor call her and offer her to work on Sunday  so she can violate God’s fourth commandment


Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy


14) I will have someone call her on the phone so she can lie and sin about a few things .


15) I will double up on his friend which will give him bad advise and get him in lots of  trouble , one more soul won by me .


16) I will make right become wrong and wrong become right by showing that wrong is stylish and have everyone do it . A woman or a man  having many different partners , bad music ,  divorcing your husband and marrying someone else before his death isn’t biblical but stylish nowadays .


Just a few tricks but Satan has many many more , so be aware and stay in prayers , Faith , love everyone and minimize your sins .




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