We are gettin it in for 2010!!
www.iummmusic.com. Go to site and see what Iowa is doin. Also we support Independent music as well. We are working on shows and bringing artists to network with us! We have IUMM Radio and TV and our station is reporting! Send music & videos to iumm4life2@gmail.com. We are working!! Core Djs BABY!!!!
Troy "Commando" Williams Sr.
Iowa Urban Music Movement (IUMM)
www.iummmusic.com IUMM Radio & TV
www.idjradioonline.com PD
www.live365.com/stations/idjradio PD
Core Djs-Iowa Division
Seoul Sound Management
IDJTA-Executive Board
"Iowa's Most Wanted"
Facebook-Commando Williams
Twitter-DjCommando1-"Follow Me & I Follow Back!"
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