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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

A message to those returning from the Core Retreat....

Let me start by saying I am in support of Tony Neal's retreat. In theory it is an opportunity to market your music and the music that represents this city. As most of you know I am Milwaukee first, all other cities after that. So because I love where I live despite the many reasons I could do better elsewhere, I am making this statement with this city in mind. Because the retreat is over, you are back home and now what are you gonna do different?

The Milwaukee music scene is divided. When I listened to some artists here talk about the retreat they discounted it as a complete fuck off session where a bunch of people were going to get bent and fuck all weekend. And I am sure that some of that took place, which is no different from what you all do here. That is just fine, but is that all there is for you Milwaukee Artist? I hope not. Now that you have returned and you are excited about the connections you may have made are you going to say FUCK MILWAUKEE as loud as possible, move to ATL and become another one of the artists that go there with some recognition and throw shade back at the ENTIRE CITY? Or are you going to help build this place up?

What if Tony Neal had this same type of event in Milwaukee, and invited the same network of people to this event? What would you think of that? Do you think it could be a success? What would keep it from being a success. Yo ass.

See, the reason I am here writing about this is because I long to see this city thrive before I decide to move away. We have the potential, the resources (believe it or not) and our greatest barrier has always been ourselves.

We so busy trying to keep dumb ass local beefs alive to get some free publicity that we don't realize we are the ones eating our own young here. The government in this town has taught us to oppress by oppressing us, and so we return that toxic bahavior to eachother. And the few that leave this place become tools of the labels, fake ass niggas and bitches that don't give back to the place that made them, or unsuccessful has beens that refuse to realize they are their own enemy.

The retreat had little to do with this message. But it definately provided motivation. I want to see us unite as a city and then as a state. After that we will control the environment to make an impact as far our globally as we really seek to. And I am not talking about the one or two of us that have made it overseas, a goal we all share. As long as we are working jobs that are not related to our music to finance our music we have not become successful. If you have not joined Hip Hop Cypher this is my repeat invitation to you. If you don't understaned why it is neccesary let me help you understand why it is. If you think what I am talkin is a bunch of bullshit come and say it to my face. Not cause Imma whoop yo ass (but I might if you don't proceed with caution) but because the only way to clear up a misunderstanding is with communication.

Somma ya'll really are dope. But dopeness is a gift that was given to many. Stop thinking you are the only one that deserves success. Even though you spit that you are the best, there really is no way for you to know wit your small minded thinking. If 5 people tell you that you are the shyt that don't make you the shyt up in somebody else's world that think they guy is the shyt.

I wrote this message in preparation for all the notes I would be tagged in by those returning from the retreat talking bout how Milwaukee artist will never make it based on some Dylon nigga they met at the retreat telling them that they got a better plan than you do. LMAO!!!! Stop being dick riders ya'll. Give yo damn self some props nigga!!!!!

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