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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

dont do business with any dj that plays your mix cd's at their club and cuts out your drops u put on the mix cd they perpetraitin with. dont do business with any dj thats quick to offer availability if you need a day off, they aint tryin to fill in, they tryin to takeover. dont do busy with any dj that doesnt know his place of position. Ex: if you got the gig and brought them along and all they do is talk your clients head off to gain their own personal business. last but not least dont do business with any dj that dont know what bpm or rpm stands for. lol

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Replies to This Discussion

That's why you have to keep you dj circle tight...The funniest one is when I bring a fill-in deejay in and he tries to take over, like my connections are not solid....Then the client comes back to me and be like, "Ya man was trying to cut you out the picture" Make sure you keep the grass cut low so you can see the snakes in the grass!!!
i feel dat. dats not gud 4 business when ur poeple try to get over on ur clients. i got a dude who i had to check on that shit.

DeeGoodie said:
That's why you have to keep you dj circle tight...The funniest one is when I bring a fill-in deejay in and he tries to take over, like my connections are not solid....Then the client comes back to me and be like, "Ya man was trying to cut you out the picture" Make sure you keep the grass cut low so you can see the snakes in the grass!!!
ain't that the fukin truth!!! there needs to be a section in here called "Don't Do Business With These Online Radio Stations". I got a couple of pretenders for that one! wish they all were as game tight as CoreDjRadio!

Dj Foolish A.K.A. Mr. Act A Damn Fool said:
i feel dat. dats not gud 4 business when ur poeple try to get over on ur clients. i got a dude who i had to check on that shit.

DeeGoodie said:
That's why you have to keep you dj circle tight...The funniest one is when I bring a fill-in deejay in and he tries to take over, like my connections are not solid....Then the client comes back to me and be like, "Ya man was trying to cut you out the picture" Make sure you keep the grass cut low so you can see the snakes in the grass!!!


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