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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.


It is very important for Christians presenting the gospel message to reach across cultural barriers. The mission given to the Christian is a global mission. “Therefore go to all nations, make disciples and baptized them in the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, KJV). The only manner to accomplish that task is by making the full effort to understand others cultures, languages and way of life. The gospel is not to solely be confined within four walls but rather throughout the world, it is a global mission transmitted by Jesus.

A disciple of Christ should be mindful of the culture of the recipient by making an attempt to know them personally and perhaps live among them. Then the missionary could learn their culture and language without compromising the true message of the gospel. The Christian must also reject the idea of being prejudicial, ethnocentric and avoid any preconceived perception that one’s culture is “strange”. Additionally the servant must be able to translate the gospel message into their own language in order to be able to deliver it utterly. Right belief and right practice (Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis) must both become part of the Christian missionary agenda because they both align with the scriptures and one complements the other (James 14-17, KJV). In God’s Kingdom there are no Jews, no Gentiles, no Hispanics, no Blacks, no Asians, no Middle Easterners, no Caucasians, there is only the human race unified with love and praising the Most High God.

Syncretism is the act of blending the Truth with the untruth. For instance one who adds Christ to his tradition while worshipping Him with other deities has committed syncretism, which also leads us to believe that when one idolizes and refuses to let go of certain worldly elements to fully serve Christ he could also be committing syncretism The book of James clearly states that one cannot love God and love the world simultaneously “Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4). All religions are to accept others culture, Christianity is about diversity, each nation is represented by their own customs and may learn from one another and that is what demonstrates the church’s strength.

For instance Westerners are generally visionaries and have the resources to help others, they travel to different part of the world to plant churches and teach locals how to grow spiritually and become true disciples of Christ. While doing so the locals may conserve their cultural ways of worshipping God as long as they remain truthful to the gospel message and prevent modification and alteration. Koreans are known to be prayer warriors who understand the power of prayer in their lives, Christian middle easterners are known for their hospitality, Africans and Latinos are known for their ability to dance while worshipping, Europeans would rather praise silently. Let’s Imagine a Christian visionary who would join forces with Korean prayer warriors, hospitable Christians from the Middle East and hymns expressed diversely whether silently or through bodily gestures, it would be a perfect setting, an accomplished church which would symbolize a duplication of t God’s Kingdom and what is to be expected when one enters the gates of heaven.

Views: 23

Albums: LOVE, HOPE


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