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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

The Board of Homeless and Disabled Veterans (HDV) is proud to announce that the Veteran's National Telethon will air on the Web in all major markets

The Board of Homeless and Disabled Veterans (HDV) is proud to announce that the Veteran's National Telethon will air on the Web in all major markets on the evening of November 11, 2008 to raise funds for a ground-breaking job training and self-actualization program for homeless, disabled and able-bodied veterans.

(PRWEB) September 24, 2008 -- The Board of Homeless and Disabled Veterans (HDV) is proud to announce that the Veteran's National Telethon will air on the Web in all major markets on the evening of November 11, 2008 to raise funds for a ground-breaking job training and self-actualization program for homeless, disabled and able-bodied veterans.

The Homeless and Disabled was founded in Oakland, California, in 1991 by several veterans and other interested parties as a not-for-profit organization designed to fight the downward spiral faced by many local homeless and disabled veterans. In fact, it is estimated that, nationally, at least 30% of all homeless people are veterans. "At first, we focused our efforts on providing the neediest veterans with the essentials: food, shelter, and job training. Today, our thrust is to develop regional and nation-wide partnerships with industry to help create job training programs that, upon successful completion, will lead to real employment in today's growth industries," says Allen Wilson, Board chairman . and marketing Director.

At first, we focused our efforts on providing the neediest veterans with the essentials: food, shelter, and job training. Today, our thrust is to develop regional and nation-wide partnerships with industry to help create job training programs that, upon successful completion, will lead to real employment in today's growth industries
The proceeds of this telethon will be spent on support for veterans while they are undergoing this intensive skills training. Donations will also help to underwrite the costs of this training that will enable them to gain long-term employment with participating companies. Finally, donations will also help to provide other short-term services during training, such as inpatient psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, subsidized care for the house-bound, or for underwriting trainees' living expenses. This process also ensures that their newly-gained skills will lead to meaningful, career-oriented employment.

Regional chapters will be organized to compile the first census of homeless and disabled veterans to determine their level of need. Then, programs will provide regional job development, training, and placement in partnerships with regional industry. This process will be coordinated by a select committee of veteran and civilian leaders who will evaluate each candidate and match their abilities and interests with each training program to ensure that each participant will receive the maximum benefit. And able-bodied homeless veterans will also benefit from this intensive, broad-spectrum training program which will prepare them to take their place in high-tech demand industries or even to start their own tech or consulting business.

These efforts will result in a new start for these deserving vets who unstintingly gave so much so that we could continue to live in freedom.

The Board is excited to announce an exciting line-up of well-known entertainers from classical, pop, R&B, jazz, country and western, and rock music as well as well-known comedy and sports stars who have agreed to appear before a live audience. These stars have volunteered to help raise the funds to launch this critical project to reverse the fortunes of these veterans. Major contributors will be invited to present their donations during the broadcast.

Besides being aired on Web in all major metropolitan areas, negotiations are proceeding to broadcast it on the Armed Forces Television network. The telethon is expected to last approximately 2- 4 hours and, it is estimated, will reach millions of American households.
The telethon's Executive Producer will be Mr. Wilson, a University of California at Berkeley Boalt Law School graduate, who has extensive experience as an event promoter in such California venues as the Circle Star Theater in San Carlos and the Paramount Theater in Oakland.
The national Board includes retired Marine, Wade Francoise, Esquire, (deceased), retired Army Colonel Dr. George Dumas, Col. William Wade, former Commander of Mather Air Force Base, and retired Army lieutenant and disabled Vietnam veteran, Billy Richardson, president, and Allen Wilson, Chairman.

"After all, we owe our freedom to those who have honorably and selflessly served their country, but who have now fallen on hard times. They may be your brothers or sisters, your fathers or your mothers, and who, through no fault of their own, have been unable to regain their dignity and their self-esteem by becoming, once again, worthwhile working members of society. With your help, they will have a second chance," says Wilson. (the movement)

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