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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

This is what I can't stand in the music industry...

Now I for one will be the first to say I wasn't the dopest rapper a few years back, fast forward 2008 and i'll say you entitled to your opinion. Now lets address some Dj's and some A&R guys, or shall I shall music critics with opinions on how they can judge a hit when they haven't the ability to create one and be an artist themselves which was the plan in the begging before the curtain and reality kicked them in the ass and said oh, it ain't going down for you.. Become a hater! All i'm saying is I have a fan base, i rock out at my small 300 people type shows and I actively sell ringtones and music download monthly (thanks to, plus in the works now is my album ThaMajorAgenda which is due to drop in mid '09. Now to get to my point and the mild frustration with some Dj's and A&R's is that they constantly speak on HipHop and growth, something new, something fresh, something hot! The reality is they just have to like it, they don't put themselves in the shoes of a potential audience and embrace an idea of how it could appeal to others even if it doesn't to them, to me thats not executive and your in the wrong position. I an an A&R tell me "I need a better record", then hear that he is promoting watch this and listen to this fire of in my eyes is similar music, but so not the amazing act of the millenium, which is how they make it seem thats what they are looking for. Look i'm a man, a grown ass tough skinned man that can take all sorts of criticism, but don't knock me and then play and promote garbageor as I say similar none life changing music or think your hindsight is all that matters. Just to think, i'm not a big Souija Boy fan but I love his hustle and that he has made a big enough impact to provide for himself. Alot of A&R's would have laugh at him in a meeting without the YouTube buzz even if he had the same record because they afraid to see others points of view and letting the white man or old school, un cool exec in an office with their un watered plants tell them whats hot and what to go and find.. Switch it up ya'll, not for me i'll be just fine I get money ( Co-Owner/Co-Ceo) ,, but for the balance of power can be set right switch it up.

Tha Major

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Comment by M-I-L on December 24, 2008 at 8:51pm
I feel you homie...I really do!

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