Women of Hip Hop, March 5th & March 14th
Hello All,
We are estactic by the feedback and excitement we have recieved in regards to Women of Hip Hop it is one of the few events where women in the industry highlighted. We response has been so overwhelming we have move the date of the event from Thursday March 12th to Saturday March 14th as so many people from out of town want to attend the event.
Please read more about the event below but before you do a couple of quick reminders. The event is been adjusted from Thursday, March 12th, to Saturday March 14th, if you are a female artist and want to get your music on the 3 hour radio show contact us, if you are a male artist but have tribute music honoring women contact us, if you are interested in performances, interviews or sponsorship package, contact us. We have sponsorship packages at 150, 300, 500, and 1000 and all O ENT clients get a discount on sponsorship packages. All packages include spins on 2 FM radio stations.
Omar J. McCallop
The Awards Show Network
Women of Hip Hop, CMA, SCMA, SaluteToTheDJ.com, Urban Music Awards, Education Awards, Rock Awards, Women That Rock
Historically women have been a part of Hip Hop since it's beginning. Their contributions to the hip hop culture are innumerable and have helped make the art form and business model what it is today.
Despite this when observing hip hop from an outsiders viewpoint one would think women in the culture are nothing more than eye candy.
Acknowledging women's contributions to the Hip Hop culture have significantly reduced in mainstream media as well. VH1's 2008 Hip Hop Honors that did not "honor" any female artists. BET's 2008 Hip Hop Awards did not have a single female rapper nominated.
According to Entertainment Weekly Entertainment Weekly the Recording Academy got rid of the Best Female Rap Solo Performance in 2005.
Although there are few mainstream female hip hop artists nationally recognized, there are numerous female artists on the independent and underground scene who are putting in work in their respective markets. In addition there are many women in the culture whose work behind the scenes make hip hop what it is today.
We acknowledge these women in hip hop whose contributions are essential to the culture. We recognize the work and countless hours women have put in to impact, shape and expand the hip hop culture at Women of Hip Hop Radio Show, Honors & Concert taking place March 14, 2009 in Raleigh.
For More Information Contact Us.
Omar J. McCallop
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