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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

So What Happened?: This week, Rebecca's bold plan of pragmatic mass murder comes to a head. But can Team Science go through with 

the Darwinian slaughter? Let's see...

Here we go...

At the centre of the episode is Big Jim and Rebecca's plan to save the town by culling the herd by using a manufactured swine 
flu to take out a quarter of the population. When a betrayed Big Jim learns that she's been planning this since the Dome came 
down, it sheds some light on Rebecca's manipulations of Big Jim and Barbie since the premiere. She's always had this plan in 
mind, even before burning the crops or warding off the acid rain. So, Big Jim is conflicted about using the swine flu, but 
decides that the Dome incubated the flu as a test for him. Can he make 'the hard choice'? It's only once Rebecca and Big Jim put 
their plan into motion that Julia and Sam, who have been working to discover the truth, learn that the flu is much stronger than 
Rebecca expected. It would kill all of Chester's Mill! Julia and Sam confront and arrest Big Jim, but Rebecca is the one with 
the virus. She's chosen, in perfect Team Science vs. Team Faith fashion, a church as ground zero. It's only then she learns that 
the infection spread, from a complaining farmer, and decides not to infect the holy water. She's arrested by a furious Julia and 
Sam, who throw them in jail together. But it's Big Jim who gets the last word: when Julia salivates at the idea of a public 
trial for her two enemies, he warns her that Barbie was 'first to sign up'. Ouch.

Also, Sam killed Angie. He's got the ugly scratch marks to prove it. He attempts her to solidify Julia's loyalty with a kiss, 
but despite the significant moments they've been having all season, she thankfully rebuffs him. Good job, Julia. There are only 
so many murderers you can accidentally sleep with.

Barbie leads a Team Faith expedition of Joe, Norrie and Melanie to discover Melanie's past. A microfiche research sequence 
(throughout which Norrie snarked delightfully) led to Melanie's old house, which led them to the forest - the very spot at which 
they found the mini-dome last season. After some flashbacks involving a meteor and teenage Melanie's untimely death in 1988 (see 
What's Up With the Dome? below), the group realises that either Lyle or Sam murdered her - and probably killed Angie as an 
encore. It's especially suspicious that Sam has seen Melanie plenty of times and has never acknowledged that she was his 
highschool girlfriend. They rush to Sam's cabin to learn that Junior's let Lyle escape. When Junior tells them he thinks Lyle 
killed Angie, Melanie wonders if he killed her too. But, of course: Sam killed Angie. Barbie, who at the very least has a reason 
to check Sam for scratch marks, is scared off from examining him by an enraged, betrayed Julia.

Despite last week's cliffhanger, Lyle has still not told Junior his secrets. After Junior dangles his freedom in front of him, 
Lyle takes him to his barbershop and shows him postcards that Pauline has sent him over the years. Each with a handpainted 
symbol of a Dome, right up to the acid rain. Both hope that her journal will have more, possibly including the identity of 
Angie's murderer, and break into Sam's cabin to find it. When they do, Junior takes Lyle's desire to prevent him from seeing 
inside the journal as evidence that he murdered Angie and holds him at gunpoint. Lyle outsmarts Junior by tossing the journal to 
the ground and, when Junior kneels to grab it, hitting him over the head with a poker. Lyle absconds with the journal, leaving 
Junior - and us - with no more answers than we had before.

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