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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

Technics stops making turntables, DJs everywhere rush to stock up!!!!!!

Technics stops making turntables, DJs everywhere rush to stock up!!!!!!

Just days after Sony announced that the cassette Walkman is history, another all time icon of the audio world has been put out to pasture. After months of rumors and speculation, Panasonic officially announced the end
of Technics SL-1200 production in a statement to the Tokyo Reporter.

Coincidentally, both the original Sony Walkman and the Technics SL-1200 MkII hit store
shelves in 1979, but while the Walkman evolved and changed repeatedly,
the SL-1200 MkII you could buy until today was virtually identical to
the 1979 model.

Technics first made an SL-1200 in 1972, but it was 1979's MkII version that really caught the imagination of DJs,
coinciding with the birth of hip hop and scratching. The sturdy 1200 was
just about the only turntable rugged enough to withstand the abuse DJs
would throw at it, and it soon became the only turntable any serious DJ
would consider.

In the 31 years that followed, Technics introduced several subtle refinements of the original recipe, but is was
the basic MkII that remained the most popular. A Panasonic
representative was reluctant to put a number on it when I asked a few
months ago, but rumors are that over 3 million SL-1200s have been built.

Some claim that the 1200 is being killed off because the tooling is starting
to wear out, and the bean counters say that a new set would not be
economically practical. In light of the numbers, that makes sense,
especially when you consider that 1200 sales are now only around 5% of
where they stood just 10 years ago.

As more and more DJs switch to using CDs, or even (gulp) iPods to play their music, those still
spinning vinyl will be looking at brands like Stanton and Numark, or
snapping up the few 1200s that remain in the various sales channels.

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Comment by Derek Jurand on October 29, 2010 at 7:21pm
Its the natural evolution of our craft. Our "Instrument" that we use to teach, motivate and ignite passion is going away. Yes there are other TT but NOTHING is like the 1200. DJs that still have them, hold onto them, take care of those Instruments that have blessed your career and family life. The technology used 31 yrs ago is a sign that Panasonic knew what they were doing in creating a turntable originally designed to withstand the heavy bass and noise of the club, by not allowing the turntable to skip, plus the direct drive torque of the turntable allowed a srteady flow, and of course the pitch control...Unheard of in the 1970s.
Comment by DJ KING SUPREME on October 29, 2010 at 6:31pm
I recall hearing about this. I remember starting on belt driven turntables. This is so very sad. A national day of mourning for all djs. 1200s are the standard, period. There has never been a turntable that has been close in reliability, durability and overall design. Everything about 1200s from the light and the design on the edge of the platter which allow one to effortless blend to the anti skip. My favorite with always be the first, but I did enjoy the later models. They are trying to kill us off, yo. Us that are still loyal to vinyl. I don't spin it often now due to cost and availabilty, but the gargage is still full of them like cominc books. I will NEVER not spin my vinyl. WOW.....great post..just sad.
Comment by Thomas Anderson aka DJ Morelight on October 29, 2010 at 6:24pm
Some may say, oh well, that's progress, and some may see it as a loss of historic identity. I look at it as the nostalgic memories of past loves, maybe even my first real friend. Good-bye 12's, what next?
Comment by DJ Special K on October 29, 2010 at 5:45pm
Damn I hope i am dreaming.....
Comment by D.J.TEXAS.tee on October 29, 2010 at 5:26pm
I got one if any one want to buy it. Works perfect ... I want another cdj anyway

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