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The release of God's Anointed Soldiers new album "The Alternative" is scheduled for Late 2009. Featured on this project is smash hit "Saints go hard" along with
"Endure","Adam's Case", "I'm Free", and many more. For information on G.A.S., their music and the ministry please visit
WWW.MYSPACE.COM/GAS Holy hip hop group, God's Anointed Soldiers was formed in 2003 by CEO & founder of Hundredfold Productions, David Gordon (a.k.a King Dave) after receiving a revelation from God about the music ministry.
The group consists of "King Dave" and "Uptown" . The music delivered would be described as positive, uplifting lyrics that promote solid biblical teaching with a “Mid-dirty style” and sound, backed by banging beats. Performances have been labeled powerful and moving.
G.A.S has had the priviledge of opening up for several national acts such as Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp, Sarah Kelly, and others. Some accomplishments include honorable mention for the 2005 song “Amerika” in the National Day of Prayer songsearch, produced and recorded theme song “Give Blood, Give Life” for The Community Blood Center Drive, and quailifed as finalists with Bands Across Kansas City Live. Since 2005 G.A.S. has been blessed every year to share the stage with countless artists at the Holy Hip Hop Awards in Atlanta, Georgia.
Another avenue of ministering is at several detention centers and correctional facilities where God has allowed the group to share their hearts with individuals in need and this has proven to be a very fruitful area.
HundredFold Productions and its artists are committed to serving God. The anointing power of His Holy Spirit paves the way for us to use RAP (Righteous Anointed Prophecy) in and through our ministry to reach the lost and inspire the saved.
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PLEASE CHECK OUT MY ENTIRE CD 12 SONGS FREE TO DOWNLOAD AT WWW.FRANKYDENTERTAINMENT.COM What up folks! Hope all is good with you. If you get a chance I am a music artist and I WOULD LOVE IT IF YOU WOULD CHECK OUT MY CD FREE TO DOWNLOAD, "Top Back!" (12 Songs) at www.frankydentertainment.com. 1 Link Gets you the ENTIRE ALBUM - CLICK HERE and this is the entire album in a Zip file and I would love your thoughts on the sound. Also you can get 4 of my Music Videos Free to Download as well for your IPOD/MP4 Player - Click HerePlease Share with a friend and feel free to add it to your profile. I could really use your support to get THIS POSITIVE VIBE TO THE WORLD. Here are a couple of videos from the album as well to check out. God Bless! PEEP THE VIDEOS BELOW FOR SOME SAMPLES OF MY NEW ALBUM
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