Trinity Swag Denim Company was born in April of 2008 by the owners and designers Trealone and Swav. The duo with mad swag combines the skills of fashion and graphic design and utilize them in all aspects possible.
We emphasize on producing a unique style of fashion that is eye catching and distinct for men and women. The main focus is changing up what you see in fashion today and that's taking craziness and incorporating it into fashion. Our definition of fashion is not based on traditional style, so everything we create will be exclusive and eye catching, but not massed produced.
Questions have come about whether fashion is moving forward or is it at a stand still, we believe as fashion and graphic designers your work should be symbolic of yourself. Fashion is like art, there are different ways of looking at a picture, and with that being said, we want to share our art with you, and break the status quo that's in fashion today.
All of our designs are carefully selected from a batch of technical drawings that we continue to add to weekly, we mainly focus on adding liveliness, and fun to our product, because according to traditional thinking at a certain age, you are suppose to become dull and boring, well we are here to tell those that like dull and boring, our clothes are not for you, but if you enjoy life and like to look distinct, our clothes will suit you well.

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