Fixing Your Credit Score via legitimate "credit rescoring" company
Unfortunately, credit rescoring is not directly available to consumers, You'll have to go through your mortgage broker or lender. Legitimate credit rescoring Rapid rescoring is so new that some mortgage brokers, lenders may not be aware as to how the system works, Here's how it works. If there's a mistake on your credit report, you have to provide proof that it's a mistake. A rapid rescoring expert can research your claims and gather written documentation. Next, the expert forwards your materials to the three national credit bureaus and asks for a correction. You can do this yourself, but it takes weeks. Companies that offer rapid rescoring have dedicated phone and fax lines they use to communicate with the 3 national credit bureaus. In 24 to 72 hours, your credit report is corrected and your credit score rises as a result.
Somebody else's mistake may be costing you thousands of dollars. Then again, your own mistake may be costing you thousands of dollars. Either way, credit rescoring can help, rapid credit rescoring requires the proper paperwork, Letter from credit granter or collection agency, Court issued documents Bankruptcy documents, etc. (FULL INFO. CLICK LINK)
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