HOW TO PROMOTE & MARKET YOUR MUSIC RIGHT Current mood: accomplished Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
Are you trying to make my brain fry this is a tough question but i will try with god help of -course?
it takes knowledge,skills,and attitude.
1.knowledge of how to target and reach an audience. 2.awareness of all the current sources of music income. 3.knowledge of the established procedure of music commerce. 4.the ability to develop innovative new business procedures 5.knowledge of how to take full advantage of technology. 6.willingness to take the initiative—to work proactively rather than passively wait to be “discovered”
if you are a musician planning to take your career into your own hands and use the tools of marketing to do it,keep in mind that you are vying with thousands of others for the attention of the listening public.This means you have to be realistic,smart,and persistent.A successful career requires the following;
Musical talent-or at least an ability to connect with listeners whether through personality lyrics, or showmanship. Before doing any marketing, realistically assess yourself as a musician. An obvious as this seems, it’s a step that many don’t take before they expend resources on making and trying to sell CD’s.
Desire to succeed, which often means the willingness to make sacrifices in other aspects of life. At times, music-career demands may take a toll on your personal life, since working at night means frequently not being home. Make sure you can handle it.
Persistence, and the ability to remain positive about your career even when the inevitable rejections come your way. Nor everyone will like your music. But if you know it’s good, and if enough others like it, forging ahead and staying in it for the long haul will almost certainly ensure eventual success.
Live performance. Unless you plan to work behind the scenes-say, as a studio musician or a jingle composer-you’ll need to work in front of audiences as regularly as you can. It both hones your musical skills builds your fan base.
Recordings. Cd’s and digital files are both key sources of income and tools for preserving your music in fixed and lasting form. Release new ones regularly.
Marketing. With all the other elements in place, using the tools of marketing in a systematic, creative, and relentless way will ensure you emerge from the crowd as an attention—worthy musical professional.
the equation for success boil down to this:
talent,desire,persistence,gigs,recordings,marketing,= likelihood of professional rewards
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