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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

We are living in a recession...our children are killing one another... the AIDS epidemic has not decreased and our state of existence as a country on a world scale is in jeopardy.. (whats left of it at least) and all the spokes people for our culture and our young people can record about is "SWAGGER" What exactly does this term mean? where does it actually derive from? and who does it represent?... Could it be that we as a people feel we have to try and brainwash ourselves into not believing that things are not as bad as they are? rather then teaching and talking about tangible avenues and solutions to the things our young people are facing on a daily basis...the beast we got for them is...spend all the money you make... try and live well beyond your means...or at least seem like you do and yell out at the top of your lungs "I GOT SWAGGER" No degree, no home, no real job or life and no plan..."BUT"....SWAGGER!...Yep, Got that in order?...

COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Get cha LIFE right!!!!!

People PLEASE give me your take on this situation

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