
Consistency Just as you need creativity in music, you need that much creativity in marketing your music. So you have recorded the hottest music not heard thus far (so you think) what next? Well you need to make the world know that music is out there for consumption. I’m not talking about posting 500 bulletins on MySpace, and face book. I’m talking interviews, song posts, mixtapes, ads, giving free merchandise. I know the world is in a recession, that means there aren’t that many jobs and money out there for the common folk, but hell whether we got 100 dollars or 5 we buy music. We might buy your single, and bootleg the cd, but we gonna get something. You can stop stalking the DJ, cause he not going to support you right now. Everyone who is comfortable in the game wants to stay that way so why gamble. So what do you do? Well you don’t start a stupid beef before your album drops, because it’s been done a million times, and after a while no one really cares. Take 50, and Ross we know this is a stunt, but 50 is entertaining so we indulge. This may work for the two, but you; you’ll be done before you put out the record. Instead invest your money, print up some flyers, posters, buy some eblasts, and build with some sites. Buy ad space on websites, and promote the hell out of your project. Who cares if it sucks? Half the music out sucks right now anyway so you’ll be right in with the rest. Two things will happen you’ll gain fans, or you won’t. If it’s decent, and you put in the right energy I’m sure it will be a success. Consistency: stay consistent with what you are doing. Stay relevant, stay out there. Your name has to always be attached to as many things as possible. This goes for all you managers and PR people, if you have an artist that isn’t taking an interest in promoting themselves, because he thinks it’s your job. Please leave that scum as fast as possible. It’s not only the PR, Promotions Company, or mangers job to gain you exposure it’s yours as well. If you aren’t actively involved with your own career I have a contract right here you can sign. All it requires is you pay me 50,000 up front, no royalties, and I get to stick this broomstick where it hurts, because you’re screwing yourself anyway. Don’t just throw some flyers out for a week, you gotta do it every week for 6 months, you gotta call OZONE Mag until someone listens to your damn CD, Email the piss out of DJs until they report you for spam, or play the record. No one works for free; you want people to buy your music so pay people to do their jobs. You need a street team pay for one $100, for every 5,000 flyers that’s worth it. Cmon people our President is black, lambos aren’t blue, but who will notice……. " IF YOU HAVE THE WILL WE CAN MAKE A WAY".
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Consistency Just as you need creativity in music, you need that much creativity in marketing your music. So you have recorded the hottest music not heard thus far (so you think) what next? Well you need to make the world know that music is out there for consumption. I’m not talking about posting 500 bulletins on MySpace, and face book. I’m talking interviews, song posts, mixtapes, ads, giving free merchandise. I know the world is in a recession, that means there aren’t that many jobs and money out there for the common folk, but hell whether we got 100 dollars or 5 we buy music. We might buy your single, and bootleg the cd, but we gonna get something. You can stop stalking the DJ, cause he not going to support you right now. Everyone who is comfortable in the game wants to stay that way so why gamble. So what do you do? Well you don’t start a stupid beef before your album drops, because it’s been done a million times, and after a while no one really cares. Take 50, and Ross we know this is a stunt, but 50 is entertaining so we indulge. This may work for the two, but you; you’ll be done before you put out the record. Instead invest your money, print up some flyers, posters, buy some eblasts, and build with some sites. Buy ad space on websites, and promote the hell out of your project. Who cares if it sucks? Half the music out sucks right now anyway so you’ll be right in with the rest. Two things will happen you’ll gain fans, or you won’t. If it’s decent, and you put in the right energy I’m sure it will be a success. Consistency: stay consistent with what you are doing. Stay relevant, stay out there. Your name has to always be attached to as many things as possible. This goes for all you managers and PR people, if you have an artist that isn’t taking an interest in promoting themselves, because he thinks it’s your job. Please leave that scum as fast as possible. It’s not only the PR, Promotions Company, or mangers job to gain you exposure it’s yours as well. If you aren’t actively involved with your own career I have a contract right here you can sign. All it requires is you pay me 50,000 up front, no royalties, and I get to stick this broomstick where it hurts, because you’re screwing yourself anyway. Don’t just throw some flyers out for a week, you gotta do it every week for 6 months, you gotta call OZONE Mag until someone listens to your damn CD, Email the piss out of DJs until they report you for spam, or play the record. No one works for free; you want people to buy your music so pay people to do their jobs. You need a street team pay for one $100, for every 5,000 flyers that’s worth it. Cmon people our President is black, lambos aren’t blue, but who will notice……. " IF YOU HAVE THE WILL WE CAN MAKE A WAY".View All Comments