Shanavea Brown Transforms Herself to “Monay”To Dig Deep For New Single Titled Time to Cry
New Single Digs Deep into the Soul of Monay and Unleashes Her Inner FeelingsPreview & download the song! ANGELES – January 27, 2010 – Music is often the mirror to the soul and teen prodigy Shanavea Brown has opened the door to her innermost feelings by transforming herself to the artist known as “Monay” and releasing a new single full of feeling entitled Time to Cry.
“My new song really lets my feelings come out and tells who I am as a person,” Monay said. “My music has always been written out rap throw downs where I never freely let my feelings flow. This new persona allows me to communicate with my fans and really show them who I am inside.”
Time to Cry shows a glimpse inside of Monay’s strife to fit in and live a perfect life. As she grows older, she is beginning to mature and learn more about herself and the world around her. Sheltered to the life of an upcoming musical talent, Monay steps outside her shell and starts to realize all that she has missed and sacrificed that normal teens get to enjoy.
“I am truly dedicated to my music career and my fans, but I am starting to realize a lot of the fun I have missed out on in my life,” she said. “This single was never written down or planned out. It was simply completely free words flowing out of my heart and ultimately was a true expression of my inner feelings.”
During the recording of the single, Monay never realized the anger and frustration that was expressing itself in her voice, tone and lyrics. Little did she know that putting her feelings to music would actually create a hit single as a metaphor for her life.
She also gets to express the depression she faced from peer pressure in high school and having to reinvent herself to continue to drive her music career quest.
“I was just throwing down words to the beat not even realizing that I was getting these deep feelings off my chest,” Monay said. “It actually creates a powerful song that rap music fans can listen to and understand. I bet many people can also relate to it.”
To check out her tunes, listen to her song Time to Cry, and keep up with developments in her career by reading her blog, check out Monay’s MySpace page at
Preview & download the song!
Anna Brown
Email: lclentertainment@aol.com
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