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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

I like to start by saying that I really hate to continue with all this when all i really want to do is get back to providing for my family and try to help bring closer to the money lost by innocent people. I really am disappointed that so many people are making statements of my character that are not true do to a email blast that was sent out with me (D.Blake) without ever having the fair chance to give my side of the situation.

I like to first start by saying that Yes I did issue a apology letter to Isis wisdom because she told me not to deal with J Rock the tour manager for the G wood radio tour and I didn't listen and J Rock was the one that made some decisions and allowed things to happened that made the radio station shut down the first two dates of the tour that they were hosting, and that's the only reason I issued that statement because I spoke with Isis wisdom and finally told hear the real facts the ones that were not included in the blast that was sent of slandering my name and she said as I have on a recorded conversation that she would send out a blast to help get things back right on the artist behalf (Now that she has finally talked to me after moths of the email blast being sent out with only testimonies from angry people and some artist & executives that just plain out lied to disassociate themselves from the lost) and on the behalf that I would like my name to be cleared because I value all of my relationships with anyone that does business with me and all of these statements of me made out to be a careless person who doesn't care about relationships is not defining at all to my character.

Second is I issued a apology statement to Top Cat because I never told anyone that Top Cat was my partner, Top Cat was only on one call and was never on any paper work or made any kind of commitment to the tour and Top Cat did not know anything about the tour other then what I told him so truthfully I just don't understand why every ones statement but mine the owner of the tour is being taken into consideration when I'm the only one that has all the paper work,contracts, bank statements, partnerships, etc. It is just very unfair to me that I have to live with all this hatred that has been stirred up against me because of a email blast and I don't even know the CEO of the mixbosses so I don't understand why he would hate a guy who he has never had a conversation with at all. One thing this has showed me is the power of the email and how eager some people are to make statements about things that they don't know the facts to and even Isis wisdom did not have all the facts but certain people just jumped on the hate tip because I disconnected my phones after the tour went down and to be technical radio shout down the first two dates of the tour and I just chose not to go on with it to any other markets but like I said before there was some horrible decisions made by the staff and one set of artist that caused radio to make there decision.

My job was done so no matter what anyone says the tour wasn't shut down because I didn't plan it right It went down because of the things that happened in Oklahoma which cause me to pull out because others wanted to take over the tour without my guidance so when I let them and It went down I bailed and because no one could get in contact with me the first thing they decided was to make all those statements up and put it all on me based on me not being able to be contacted due to me having to shut down my lines after over 100 hate calls being that i was the tour owner and I had to take responsibility for all the wrong doing of a crazy promoter in Oklahoma, there is a lot more info but some of it can only be shared with my attorney.

I would really like for people to take my truth into considerations because I am having other actions taken as well because I AM A VICTIM AS WELL AS THOSE WHO LOST oh ye and some people that was involved with the "takeover the G wood radio tour lets do it our way" got left in Oklahoma because they had already cost me and everyone else a lot of money because of there poor decisions. My only concern now is to repay the artist I reached out to the artist i received money directly from and one of them reached back out to me B Millz and I have been working close to there team to repay them and they are happy know to no that I am not the person that people have made me out to be and the other artist has not returned my email yet with a number for contact and the Oklahoma artist has not reached back either and if they read this please hit me at and sorry for the wait but that email blast messed up my business flow of money for a few months so its taking a little while to put it all together but we need to make arrangements so please reach out.

Last but not least Its a shame some of these dudes who call there self's leaders have such poor judgment and have the nerve to be trying to lead other grown men and for some of y'all email worshipers that don't know how to draw up the facts properly but run with the first thing you read like a email is the bible scripture need to hit me up or matter fact call the radio station in Oklahoma to see if I'm telling the truth and its also a shame that so many people lied and told Isis they got money just so people wouldn't think they were down with me but its all good my lawyer is gonna serve a couple people very soon for the slandering of my name and character I'm not a fraud, crook, theft or none of that I'm a hard working guy that became a victim of the discretion of other men and women and my innocence will be proven in the court of law.


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hey, D, this Deborah Clark with ALL FAME INC in ATL. please give me a call. i try the old number i have. couldn't reach you. but please give me a call. i need your help on something for ST. LOUIS MO. March 24,2009 thanks deb e-mail thanks
well put sorry that you have been going through all this you dont deserve it.

stay positive and let all the naisayers do what they do best NOTHING!

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