Thank you for honoring Wayne Williams, Senior V.P. of A&R-Jive Records for 20 years of service with one company as well as for serving 35 years to the music community. As an internationally recognized DJ in House & Urban Music, Wayne Williams is responsible for signing one of the greatest artist/songwriter/producer’s in the history of music, R. Kelly. DJ Wayne Williams was mentioned in “Step in the Name Love”, a song that introduced the “Stepping Dance” originally made popular in Chicago to the world.
“The CORE DJs” are definitely one of the greatest Entertainment Organizations to come along. Your event is one of the acclaimed functions for DJs in the music industry since the “Mixshow Power Summit.”
I’ve been in the music industry for over 15 years, currently serve as Senior V.P. of the Soul Selector DJs (an organization of 115 DJs from Chicago such as DJ World, DJ Lee Farmer and DJ Inc.) and I know Tony Neal personally. I’ve watched the influence “The CORE DJs” has had on many aspiring DJs. “The CORE DJs” are "responsible for preserving and protecting the culture and art of being a DJ while creating camaraderie amongst the DJ community, no matter what city or organization they belong to locally."
This event brings the National and International community of DJs together.
As of 6 months ago I received the position as A&R Consultant to Wayne Williams in this market. It is a market Wayne has made a priority in his focus and plan as displayed when he brought R. Kelly to Atlanta to work on his new CD. Reaching out to the community to both known and unknown songwriters and producers, everyone was given a chance to be on this album and as a result placed some talented unknowns on the upcoming CD.
Wayne has given me the opportunity to help him bring more opportunities to the Atlanta music scene via raise and maintaining the quality of music as well as supporting my educational programs that give other artists, producers and songwriters a chance he gave R. Kelly years ago.
We hope that you will find a way that we may participate in the panels, events, etc. in your upcoming event.
Also based on you honoring Wayne, I will be setting up a party to celebrate him receiving that award. My company The F.I.R.M. will be getting sponsors and venue it as an invite-only event. So we would like to have a list of attendees from you as well as your attendance.I, Kevin Shine, as well as Gina, Wayne’s assistant, will be working closely with you to make sure this is executed properly. Thank you for your consideration.
Kevin Shine
A&R Consultant to Wayne Williams Senior V.P. of A&R-Jive Records