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Created by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014 at 4:18pm. Last updated by The Core DJ's Jul 6, 2014.

Pissy Pizza? [VIDEO] Pizza Hut Delivery Man Urinates On Woman's Door After Being Denied A Tip

Chloe Teply might think twice the next time she neglects to tip the pizza delivery guy.

A former Pizza Hut employee in Des Moines, Iowa was so ticked off after Teply denied him a tip that he allegedly pulled down his pants and urinated on her front door, KCCI reports.

"It's just one of those things where unfortunately, I don't have the money," Teply told KCCI. Security cameras at Teply’s apartment complex caught the delivery man in the act. A Pizza Hut manager, who went to the apartment building to see the footage for himself, told KCCI that the driver had later been fired.

Teply isn’t the only person who has found herself in hot water after neglecting to leave a tip. Earlier this year, a Texas family was locked inside a restaurant in Houston, Texas after refusing to pay an automatic 17-percent gratuity.

Recently, a woman left no tip on a $138.35 meal by signing “single mom sorry” in the tip line instead. A picture of the receipt went viral and many commenters were outraged at the patron's stinginess.

Restaurant delivery workers are often paid wages that fall well below minimum wage as much of their salary is expected to come from tips, the New York Times reports. Minimum wage for servers that receive tips is as low as $2.13 per hour in some states. The last time Congress increased the “tipped minimum wage” was in 1991.

What's proper etiquette when it comes to tipping on deliveries? Sites like include a tipping calculator as well as a list of instances when it is appropriate not to tip.

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Comment by Jason Kelly on June 16, 2013 at 5:35pm

sez: Thank God I do NOT live there, dude! If that were me as a customer, you'd BETTER believe I would have words for that sorry-ass S.O.B.! I was always told "the customer is always right". Whatever happened to that?! If she can't tip, LEAVE IT AT THAT AND GIVE HER WHAT SHE ORDERED! Seriously NASTY!!!

You DO NOT do shhht like that when on the job... if I were his boss and I saw that, his ass'd be fired next day the second he'd set foot in my restaurant... WORD!!!

Comment by King FrosT on June 13, 2013 at 5:30pm

dam why it gotta b N my state! lmaoo heyy i guess Iowa gettin out there though :-D #MidWestChilly

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